More Presidential Progress

Earlier this week, students began applying color to their Presidential Portraits. We used watercolor marker for our color medium. When I know this project is coming up, I order a supply of red, blue, and black markers. Those happen to be the colors that tend to be used up quickest anyway, so its good to have a supply of extras on hand. Recently, I have been ordering individual color broad-tip markers from Dick Blick. I get them for .34 cents each. They are actually some of the better performing economy markers I have tried. Each table has one of each color and those are shared with four classes during the day. The projects are almost complete and, so far, no “used up” markers. That is to say that the original markers have been able to complete at least four 12×18″ artworks. We began with brand new markers but that is still pretty good for cheap markers on a colorful project.